Lessons in Leading Change - Learning from Real World Cases | Angkor Rean

Lessons in Leading Change - Learning from Real World Cases

Product details:

This is the hardcover edition, you can also purchase this book as a .pdf file. This special 350-page book is filled with interesting and relevant real world cases that cover the essentials of effective leadership to be used to develop present and future leaders into skilled leaders. In helping us reach this challenging goal, the authors, many of whom are well known experts in leadership, exceeded our expectations as the cases came from all over the globe and were filled with valuable leadership lessons. One interesting lesson that became evident in the cases is that regardless of where leaders lead, whether the US, China, Australia, Europe, or Guatemala, the principles of good leadership apply across the globe even though the application of those principles may differ. 

The book is designed to present short to medium length cases and follows a logical flow for preparing leaders to lead. It begins with inspiring cases about leaders with a strong commitment to making a difference. This is followed with cases emphasizing the importance of ethics, character, and leadership style. The next cases show how leadership can be applied to working with people, building high performance teams and teamwork, and developing excellent organizations. The final chapter presents cases on how leaders can successfully lead change. This book is written in Easy English and perfectly suitable for non-native English speakers, instructors and learners. It is a perfect quick-study book for managers to learn about leadership and the tools leaders use to become effective. Includes 28 cases from around the world, each 3-8 pages, for easy and quick understanding of leadership essentials. Authors are some of the best-know leadership experts worldwide, and the RossiSmith series includes case books in the areas of Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Governance, Marketing, Health Care, Human Resources, Maori/Indigenous Excellence and many others. See us at www.publicationsales.com

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